jeudi 27 octobre 2011

Yelle @ Strand, Stockholm.

Yelle played at Strand the day of my 20th birthday. I don't know if it's because I'm french and understands what she sings about but I find her really good live. I strongly recommend you to see her concert if you didn't.

Here's my favorite song of her second album which is a good description of my Peter Pan syndrome haha.

Yelle - Comme un Enfant

mercredi 26 octobre 2011

Autumn : Yellow Orange and Red leaves, my Black Clothes and my Blue hair.

Today is, according to the meteorologists, supposed to be the last good autumn day this year. So I decided to go out and take some pictures.

Back from London

So I just got back from London, and it was the best trip I ever made. More details and pictures are coming soon, there's to much photographs so I have to sort them first. But here are some pictures of me and Sara taken by the talented fashion photographer Jack Soilleux who we met there.

Check out: