samedi 30 juin 2012

The reason why I'll get fat at 30 (and probably heart attacks later on).


I don't know why but the image/sound synch got fucked up and the quality is very bad; not that I think it matters to you but it looks much better in my tumblr.

samedi 23 juin 2012

London again

Hey that's me being exhausted in London
I found that picture taken by Jack Soilleux ( & ) when I was in London last autumn. It's now the 3rd look where that sweater is the main piece but wazevah. I also realised I look like a total pear when wearing an XXL sweater with a rucksack, maybe here's a "don't" for y'all self-conscious fashun victims ;;))).
Anyway I miss London a lot but going back there with Lukás in one month; during one month yeyeyeyy

mardi 12 juin 2012

Samuel del Photograph / Rock'n'Lol

Last week I got a job as photographer for Fight Club; finally getting some munney yey! My camera is broken (no lookbook for a moment lol) so I had to borrow one that I really don't understand. As you can see I made some fabulous shots making all dem artists look beautiful... I would fit better in a job for Americas funniest home videos. *Bob $$$aget if ¥ou r€ad thi$*