dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Klubb Vandalism II & III

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I could get a full time job at embarrassingnightclubphotos.com

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I also experimented to make some gifs 

Most of the last photos are taken by Clara

jeudi 17 janvier 2013

Paris AW12

Sapporo japanese restaurant, you should go there 

dimanche 13 janvier 2013

Rome III

And here comes the last Rome article. :)


Nun tourists

Forum Romanum

so trendy

The Vatican Museum's entrance line...

... I skipped it because I already had the tickets #me you

Egyptian god Anubis in Roman clothes

Laocoön and his sons

Hera Barberini

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo

Castel Sant'Angelo 

Piazza San Pietro

      Another "funny" thing with that city is that there are a lot of priests and nuns from the whole world as tourists, taking selfies in front of the monuments. If you go to the Forum Romanum (ruins of the antique center of Rome, situated in the present center of Rome) I have a last recommendation : there is no shadow there so don't do it on a sunny hot day unless you want you're on a diet lol.